whattup guys? ok, singapore idol update guys!! YAYYY!!!! MY FAVOURITE PART! complementary!! anws, singapore idol, 4 left, charles, sezairi (dunno whether spelt his name correctly), and my two favourite contestant, tabitha and slyvia! like, girls are always better in singing, trust me. (: anyhow, yesterday, they performed like their own written songs which i though tthat was super original from singapore. finally guys! an original segment from singapore idol!! no idol competition like american idol had this segment which was get the contestant to sing their own written compositions. iam soooo happy! its soo not copyrighted guys! anys, glad that happened, i gotta say that tabitha, SHE NAILED HER SONG. i guess it was no matter right? well, i gotta say, i really loved her song, so original and i sooooo disagree with dick's comments. gosh... and slyvia? shes got tha X factor! i dunno bout charles... not really a fan of him.. but i still hope that slyvia, tabby or charles would win. IAM ALL NOS FOR SEZAIRI PEOPLE!! i hate him. if he wins, its gonna be like the third time a malay guy is winning. DAM IT. and if he wins, i will so kill myself. ladies!!! VOTE FOR THE RIGHT CONTESTANTS DAM IT !! anws, sooo... in the end, guess wad. NO ONE WAS ELIMATED!! DAM IT!!!! why? coz i was hoping that that sezairi bitch would get out. i am not recist..... just speaking my mind. i mean, WHY DID NO ONE GET ELIMATED??!!!! ERROR?!! gosh.. anyway, so.... hope that sezairi would get BOOTED out so that the three would get a place of becoming the SI!!! WOOTS!
fell in love with music @
11:23 AM